The winners of the SAMPE Benelux student contest 2021 are Gaétan Poelman (Ghent University) and Kevin Vervoort (TPRC/UTwente).
This year the SAMPE Benelux 2021 Students’ meeting was held on Monday May 10th 2021 and was hosted online.
A total of 8 competitors subscribed, from which Gaetan Poelman (PhD) and Kevin Vervoort (MSc) were chosen to represent SAMPE Benelux in (just as many as France, the UK and Germany!) the SAMPE Europe 2021 Conference in Baden, Baden, Switzerland (29-30 September 2021 https://www.sampe-europe.org/conferences/se-conference-21-baden-zurich). Both presented a nice balance between fundamenal and applied research.